We can definitely help you based on the acquired knowledge and abundant experience

  • With rationalisation of the project, in design and in implementation phase;
  • With counselling regarding possibilities for project financing and preparation of applications for grants;
  • With meeting project conditions, acquisition of consents, building and operating permits;
  • With preparation of investment documentation;
  • With preparation of project documentation, elaborates, studies;
  • With management of contractor selecting procedures in public procurements, preparation of tender documentation, analysis of offers, negotiations and preparation of contracts etc.




We offer all types or phases of project documentation:

  • records of the existing situation,
  • Conceptual design for meeting project and other conditions (conceptual design),
  • Project documentation for acquisition of opinions and building permit),
  • Project documentation for construction (detailed design),
  • Project documentation of implemented work (as-built design),

We also prepare all types of elaborates, studies, statements. We are specialised in preparation of construction physics elaborates for efficient utilisation of energy in buildings, and elaborates for noise protection in buildings.

Our most frequent design projects include:

  • High-rise buildings,
  • Residential and business buildings (houses, commercial buildings, industrial halls etc.),
  • Public facilities (schools, kindergartens, healthcare institutions, libraries, swimming pools, sports halls etc.),
  • Infrastructure objects (roads, cycling paths, sewerage systems, boiler rooms etc.),

BIM modelling.
With our approach to project management, from concept to implementation, use of BIM is a logical consequence since the fundamental purpose of BIM is to improve efficiency of managing construction investment from design, planning, inspections, tenders for selecting contractors, construction, supervision to handover of the object for use, including object management and improvement of the quality of the final object and processes.



We prepare all required documentation for application to tenders. We prepare investment documentation:

  • Document of identification of investment project,
  • Pre-investment assessment,
  • Investment programme with cost and benefits analysis (CBA).




We offer expert supervision in accordance with the Construction Act. We provide supervision on

  • Construction and craft work,
  • Electrical installation work,
  • Machine installation work.
We also offer supervision based on FIDIC contracts.


Prednosti uporabe BIM
  • Prednosti uporabe BIM:
  • večja storilnost projektiranja (v primerjavi s klasičnim)
  • natančen model že v fazi snovanja in načrtovanja
  • enostavno modeliranje variantnih rešitev
  • lažje možnosti analize, študije izvedljivosti in simulacije izgradnje ter uporabe oz. obratovanja,
  • zaradi integracije gradnikov in procesov lažje usklajevanje, posebno ob spremembah (zato je tudi lažje timsko delo različnih ekspertov na kompleksnem projektu)
  • kakovostnejša projektna dokumentacija, zaradi prikazov po plasteh, prikazov montaže in obvladovanja bodoče izgradnje.
  • zmanjšanje projektnih tveganj in potencialnih reklamacij;
  • boljša usklajenost projekta;
  • boljša predstavitev projekta naročniku in drugim deležnikom v celotni investicijski fazi;
  • hitrejše potrjevanje projektnih rešitev s strani naročnika;
  • zagotavljanje učinkovite kontrole kakovosti;
  • natančnejši izračun količin in potrebnih del za izvedbo gradnje;
  • boljši nadzor nad gradnjo in evidentiranje sprememb;
  • zmanjševanje stroškov investicije in upravljanja objektov;
  • boljše časovno in finančno načrtovanje in spremljanje gradnje;
  • boljše upravljanje z informacijami (arhiviranje …) v življenjskem ciklu gradnje (objekta);
  • lažje upravljanje in vzdrževanje gradnje (objekta);
  • večja učinkovitost procesov načrtovanja, izvedbe in upravljanja investicije;
  • optimalna vrednost za predvidene stroške – vrednostni inženiring
  • (npr. optimizacija resursov, energetska učinkovitost – študija variant);
  • preglednost investicije;
  • povezovanje in hranjenje vseh informacij, ki so vezane na investicijski proces, gradnjo in upravljanje objekta v informacijskem modelu;